Monday 30 August 2010

Marital satisfaction as the satisfaction

Marital satisfaction as the satisfaction of selected pairs of shoes say marriage as a pair of shoes, not fit together, only you know. The world has so many shoes, you wear what kind of shoes? Do not fit together? Langcainvmao marriage is the brand shoes, looks elegant, beautiful, feel comfortable, generous, but it's expensive, by not muddy, requiring careful maintenance, and always cherish. Oh The marriage is shoes, simple and minimalist look, wear the economy, put up no care, feels light fast, but once you happen often make people feel less inflow.weal and woe of marriage shoes It looks strange, to put to smart. its greatest feature is the mud after rain will not fall off the end of help, and always wearing foot hold on tight. Thus, the more hardships, and frustrations Ke's Life on the road, the more durable and fit showing the characteristics.romantic marriage is shoes, it is lightweight, flexible, elegant, but a flat smooth out the specific circumstances, it becomes extremely difficult to adapt also very practical.

type of marriage is the cause of running shoes, and feet can use the service each other and create brilliant, but a career out of runway, shoes and feet is difficult to adapt to each other.Laofushaoqi marriage is platform shoes, can not travel long distances while wearing it, but it seems rather special.old wife husband marriage pattern happening less shoes look funny, wear convenient, easy to take off. However, to put it can only feel in the bedroom, ran to the street if Xianbai inevitably become laughing stock.

Selon les médias Yichun, les victimes viennent de Beijing et Guangzhou, et la famille se sont précipités aux services compétents de Yichun veulent rentrer chez eux après que les exigences de traitement. Pendant ce temps, certains des blessés condition s'est détériorée, et les conditions de Yichun médicaux sont limités, alors j'ai décidé d'envoyer les blessés recevaient un meilleur traitement.

Selon les médias Yichun, les victimes viennent de Beijing et Guangzhou, et la famille se sont précipités aux services compétents de Yichun veulent rentrer chez eux après que les exigences de traitement. Pendant ce temps, certains des blessés condition s'est détériorée, et les conditions de Yichun médicaux sont limités, alors j'ai décidé d'envoyer les blessés recevaient un meilleur traitement.

homme blessé 58-ans, diagnostiqué à l'admission que la blessure combinée: blessure à la poitrine contondant, nervure de multiples fractures, des blessures au genou, hémothorax, un traumatisme crânien léger, une perte de mémoire à court terme, un état grave.

homme blessé 58-ans, diagnostiqué à l'admission que la blessure combinée: blessure à la poitrine contondant, nervure de multiples fractures, des blessures au genou, hémothorax, un traumatisme crânien léger, une perte de mémoire à court terme, un état grave.

Depuis hier, les victimes ont été 29 crash de partir pour 3 à sauver. Parmi eux, 17 ont été envoyés à Harbin en train, 10 personnes s'est rendu à Beijing, deux personnes ont été envoyées à Guangzhou pour le traitement.

Ha Yida Wang Yongchen un vice-président, a déclaré que cinq de l'avion les enfants, les blessés ont été transportés à l'unité de soins intensifs (USI). La situation de ces enfants à décrire avec des mots simples comme «des blessures internes, bien que chaque enfant peut parler, regarde externes ne sont pas aussi graves brûlures, mais comme des brûlures des voies respiratoires, des voies respiratoires est endommagé, tout risque de leur vie.

Ha Yida Wang Yongchen un vice-président, a déclaré que cinq de l'avion les enfants, les blessés ont été transportés à l'unité de soins intensifs (USI). La situation de ces enfants à décrire avec des mots simples comme «des blessures internes, bien que chaque enfant peut parler, regarde externes ne sont pas aussi graves brûlures, mais comme des brûlures des voies respiratoires, des voies respiratoires est endommagé, tout risque de leur vie.

Hier, Hayi Da deuxième hôpital a déclaré l'hôpital dans un accident grave dans Yichun blessés hors de danger.

Le visage de cheveux blancs âgées et des jeunes enfants. Il était un peu lourde: "Toutes les erreurs sont de notre faute, dans n'importe quelle langue sont pâles."

Le visage de cheveux blancs âgées et des jeunes enfants. Il était un peu lourde: "Toutes les erreurs sont de notre faute, dans n'importe quelle langue sont pâles."

Plus tard, il a envoyé 10.000 yuans de subvention de la vie, les parents espèrent Interdire deuil.

Cinq enfants, des blessures d'urgence

Trois personnes blessées dans 29 provinces de changer de traitement

Harbin, Yichun transféré au traitement de 15 blessés dans un accident d'avion, il ya cinq enfants blessés en cas d'urgence, dont 4 appartiennent à de graves brûlures des voies respiratoires, les 48 heures suivantes, la période dangereuse. À l'heure actuelle, Ha Yida un hôpital pour traitement.

Le visage de cheveux blancs âgées et des jeunes enfants. Il était un peu lourde: "Toutes les erreurs sont de notre faute, dans n'importe quelle langue sont pâles."

Le visage de cheveux blancs âgées et des jeunes enfants. Il était un peu lourde: "Toutes les erreurs sont de notre faute, dans n'importe quelle langue sont pâles."

Plus tard, il a envoyé 10.000 yuans de subvention de la vie, les parents espèrent Interdire deuil.

Cinq enfants, des blessures d'urgence

Trois personnes blessées dans 29 provinces de changer de traitement

Harbin, Yichun transféré au traitement de 15 blessés dans un accident d'avion, il ya cinq enfants blessés en cas d'urgence, dont 4 appartiennent à de graves brûlures des voies respiratoires, les 48 heures suivantes, la période dangereuse. À l'heure actuelle, Ha Yida un hôpital pour traitement.

Sunday 29 August 2010

the words struggling artists trying to explain

the words struggling artists trying to explain: he saw the change, he knows that the arts should be different from the past However, what is their own performance and not be vague philosophy can solve things? he did not even start because of Western influence and loss of a historical position and understanding of traditional civilization:natural existence as a community material, it is natural consciousness change, rooted in social life changes of the era. we live in a space-time is unprecedented in the history of our great cultural space. is the local culture the most extensive and strong sense of a real culture mixed with the outside domain. Call to make modern artists clearly aware of the national way of life behind. they Zeng Yi rigorous mixing realistic portrayal of nature itself Mang, in order to heighten national and putting a self-contained living environment and conservative atmosphere (such as a few years ago life stream, Natural ceremony.Therefore, it is closed by the rigid social consciousness to an open development, and promote the artist's natural sense of the simple to complex.Ye Yongqing, in his thesis describes a number of Southwestern artists, such as Mao Xuhui order through his were repressed, uncomfortable . in 1986, he was still This is an important point of modernism,the modern art of doing everything possible to explain a truth. imagination and intuition
are two amazing human talent enormous wings, make the main body of the intellectualimagination, emotion, will and harmonious movement, freedom of flight; The intuitive grasp of this whole object of foreboding and insights, the freedom to fly the main just that it needs to breath life our soul the freedom to create the point.

Thursday 26 August 2010

that inflation was a special forces after casting

The emergence of this price, that inflation was a special forces after casting, the central bank print money market assets over-stimulated, causing asset prices, wealth effect stimulate demand, Greenspan by creating a new bubble solution bubble burst after the last legacy of economic problems. Now, after the big bubble burst, many people think that we have to create a new bubble could solve the economic problems, so many ideas that printing money, and then engage in a bubble, we think that people can not live after the bubble burst, and so is better than the day yesterday, stock prices high, high prices, high profits, consumer Yip Wong, suddenly the bubble burst, just when the Government Reform blast accused Wall Street greed, brought us such a big disaster, and now talk about the world's people now in the praise-singing. Why? miss the last bubble, wanted to return to yesterday How wonderful! in this mentality The Government put money, what would? cut interest rates, the money released in turn triggered a rise in asset prices. how do you understand this? This is not yesterday's back? We are not able to return to the era of Alan Greenspan? asset prices After the drive up the rise in the real economy? then we are back to the good old days, I think this possibility is very small. Why? flow past the framework of our world economy, the currency from the central bank released, the bottom is that China and interaction between the United States, China is a low-cost, farmers get little pay, factories, building products, sold to the Americans. Americans because of the relationship between monetary policy, price rise, he bought something, the money left to China, to lend their .

Wednesday 25 August 2010

night deep

night deep, canopy falls, faintly covered with thousands of silver star sky. cat looked up at day, looking for a long time, see his eyes vague.about the past, about the future, Moncler on this deep city and this vast sky, the cat seems to be familiar seem strange. on their own knowledge and do not know that between inter-state, the cat is very annoyed. This would not, of course, no, not the past, can not know in the future. P90X would not know life purpose. must determine the purpose of life, meaningful life. meaningful life will enrich the joy, victory may from time to joy, lost no surprise. cat trying to clean up the mess of logic.Christian Louboutin However, licensing and brown traces of the month can not be unified. yes ah, ten years for a sleeping cat, logical confusion is a matter of course, understandable.What can be understood? cats have such ideas? as a cat, which is rather bizarre . cat joked. may really sleep too long, nerve short-circuit, right? cat to mind all kinds of strange thoughts troubled. Fortunately, hungry, and it temporarily can not attend to go think about life. For ten years the cat sleep , is not enough to add a few pieces of cake consumed physical.which cat will be in the building all night wandering: sewers caught six mice; office pulls out four packets of noodles altogether, two chocolate; staff restaurant the kitchen to find half a pound of liver and a bottle of fresh milk.

Friday 20 August 2010

Means: Road Trip by clouds

Means: Road Trip by clouds, old-timers will be introduced bamboo cane, stick, migration flows of various penalty: whipped with a small chaste tree. Little Wing The little guys were the most difficult jump, and Emperor Wu of some annoyed, four-wheel car. What is so sour? He also Cuizhao married, com a love letter with 1999 words, like a zoom into big poster of you couple photo, when I came round from the busy work and rest for a moment. Li would like to call my wife to always be unable to connect, secretary frequent Belle shoes, but it is not, and I was with our boss. You see, his son dinner. Why fat sad, not business minded, look. B said: never break a body, how do I do to get their rights.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Most of the girls shoes

Most of the girls shoes can be divided into two categories, one for the pretty but not comfortable, one for the comfortable but not beautiful high-heeled former group to the main level with the latter category to the main. The general sense . fashion shoes, kind of uncomfortable but beautiful shoes, you can catch a bus than wearing shoes more expensive, but when we put on them are also more careful I rarely wear shoes Metro wanted me to dare rarely wear the same shoes to dance shoes as I like him, but he does not like me.